What is the makeup of the MNTRN?
MNTRN has approximately 200 members. Approximately 1/3 are corporate talent acquisition specialists, another 1/3 are employed at IT consulting firms, and the balance are independent contract recruiters, HR Generalists, and third-party agencies.
How much does membership cost?
It is only $99 for a 2 year membership or $60 for a 1 year membership
How much does renewal cost?
Renewal costs $99 every 2 years or $60 every year.
How often does MNTRN hold meetings?
We target 6 meetings per year. This includes Lunch & Learns and webinars. Plus 3 social events annually.
Are corporate memberships offered?
Yes, click on the Join MNTRN link at the top.
Are the MNTRN Board Members compensated for their efforts?
The members of the MNTRN Board volunteer their time and efforts and are not compensated.
How is the money from our membership dues allocated?
The money from the membership dues are used for social events, flight, hotel, and honorarium fees for speakers costs related to the use of facilities (i.e. space rental, food and beverage), and AV equipment required for presentations.
Is the MNTRN a Non-Profit Organization?
Yes, we are a registered nonprofit with the state of Minnesota.